Fanfare Parents,

To complete your child’s registration, please read and type in your name each place indicated below, which shall stand as your signature of assent.

Student’s first payment is due no later than the first day of classes (for online classes, payment is due no later than the day before the first class); pay with registration at Monthly tuition thereafter is due the day of the first lesson each month of the school year, September through May. Payment should be made at

Parents of Fanfare students receiving onsite classes may pay either online or in person, cash, check or credit card.

Class Rules:

  1. Students must be supervised by an adult at all times.
  2. Students may leave premises only with parent/guardian unless they have signed permission slip giving authorization for someone else to pick up student.
  3. Students may not have food in classrooms. Snacks will be provided in the snack area before class. Water is allowed in the classrooms.
  4. Cell phones and other electronic devices will be off and put away during classes.
  5. Friends of students are not permitted in classroom without permission of the Director.
  6. Visitors and adult family members are welcome to observe classes anytime, after first checking in with Director and receiving a visitor name tag.

Online Class Rules:

  1. Parent/Guardian will receive online log-on link after tuition is received and forms are completed/signed (below).
  2. Students are expected to log on to classes on time, with instrument, sheet music or lesson book, a pencil and any other supplies specified by teacher.
  3. Students are expected to observe general classroom behaviors as they would in person, e.g. asking teacher permission before leaving room. Note: students should use the bathroom before logging on to classes. Student may have water during class.
  4. Students, though attending from their home, should be regularly dressed as for school, i.e. no pajamas, hair curlers, etc. and observing usual rules of decency.
  5. Parents are asked to provide an area for student to interact with teacher with a minimum of distractions – no background tv, in-home conversations, etc. The teacher will help you set up your child’s device facing the student and his/her instrument – please avoid facing device’s camera towards views too personal for teacher and other students.

Tuition covers only a fraction of our operating expenses, in order that we may keep student costs the lowest in the area. The rest is funded by grants, donations and our fundraisers. Therefore, all Fanfare families are expected to participate in our fundraisers or pay an activity fee.